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January 20, 2021

Meet our Branch Managers, Maximus and Kali!

Meet our Branch Managers, Maximus and Kali!

Maximus and Kali were adopted at just 8 weeks old. As many fur babies do, they both suffered from extreme separation anxiety and went through a phase of being terrified of being left alone, yet would get car sick if we took them along. Maximus and Kali have been taking CBD ever since they were pups, to help with the stress of car rides, and the nausea they endured after chewing due to their anxiety.

Today- Maximus and Kali love going on car rides, and stopped chewing our office apart! They are given CBD treats daily as a preventative, as we at CBD NATIONAL strongly believe that CBD will optimize their overall health potential, and give them a head start on any issues that may come up as they age.

Our founders first began treating their Lab’s, Butters and Dakota, in 2013 with CBD as a last ditch effort to save them from old age ailments! They began giving their dogs CBD infused coconut oil, in conjunction with extensive blood work, changing their diet to a completely raw food, grain-free, gluten-free diet. CBD not only gave them a much improved quality of life, it had extended their lives for many years. Dakota was 17 ½ years old, and Butters was 18 years old before they gracefully crossed the rainbow bridge. What CBD did for them goes beyond measure!

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