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January 1, 2024

Cooking with CBD – Diesel Style

Introducing COOKING WITH CBD – Diesel Style, a new series featuring Sandy & Scotty Diesel.

Once upon a time, Sandy faced a daunting medical prognosis. She was prescribed over 156 pills a day and was told by doctors that she wouldn’t live to see her 40th birthday. In 2013, she decided to take her life into her own hands- and replaced pharmaceuticals with plant medicine that she and her husband Scotty’s grows. The very doctors that prescribed her the pills, were the same doctors that told her she’d be dead before 40, and could not live life without the pills.

Yet here she is, she recently celebrated her 50th year of life and has been 100% pill free since 2015. In honor of this remarkable milestone, we’re thrilled to launch a series where Sandy & Scotty will share their personal homemade recipes that have transformed Sandy’s life, replacing pharmaceuticals with plant-based medicine.

Our first recipe? Making your own CBD Oil.  Get the full recipe by clicking here!

In 2013, Sandy embarked on her journey with medical cannabis, cultivating her first garden. Her favorite varietal was AC/DC, renowned for its high CBD content. Scotty, taking the reins of the grow, began crafting medicine for Sandy, aiming to wean her off pills and transition to natural remedies.

This recipe, a labor of love, marked a turning point in Sandy’s health journey. Infused with the healing power of CBD, these homemade CBD Oil hearts became a staple in Sandy’s daily routine. Whether added to coffee or tea, or incorporated into wholesome recipes, this oil became synonymous with vitality and wellness.

And now, we’re excited to share these transformative recipes with you. Join us on this culinary adventure as we explore the myriad ways CBD-infused dishes can nourish the body and soul. From savory to sweet, we’ll unlock the potential of CBD in the kitchen and inspire you to embrace a holistic approach to wellness.

Stay tuned for our upcoming recipes and let’s embark on this journey to wellness together.

With love, Sandy & Scotty





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